Saturday, February 18, 2012


Issue Number 2 of THE PATH, published by The Path to Publication Group, is now available. Buy a copy through and
THE PATH is a semiannual ebook/ezine magazine featuring essays, short stories, poetry, interviews and book reviews.
This literary magazine is not something written by and for the "elite." It's a down-to-earth vehicle for writers of fiction and non-fiction to express themselves about a given theme. The theme of issue no. 2 is "Urban Gone Wild."
The Path is taken by all writers. The Path to Publication can be long and arduous. This publication is dedicated to straightening and shortening that path. Please enjoy the work of authors who have chosen to take the path to publication.
THE PATH is published with the purpose of providing quality works to the reading public. It is our wish to also provide a venue not only for established authors, but to open another door for new writers to make their entrance into the literary world.

THE PATH is available for US$8.99 (paper) and $3.99 (ezine).

For more information or to place an ad, contact:
Mary Nickum, Editor-in-Chief

Thursday, February 16, 2012


The submission period for the third issue of THE PATH is now open. Please refer to the submission guidelines below when developing your manuscript. The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2012.

Submission Guidelines*
The Path
The Path to Publication Group is publishing a new literary publication – The Path.    You are invited to submit short stories, essays, book reviews and poems for inclusion in the semi-annual issues.  
 The theme for this issue is ‘Potpourri.’ For more information please visit the websites: and . Past contributors will receive a call for submissions by e-mail automatically.  
1)      Short stories and essays - 2500 to 7000 words
2)             Poetry - 1 page

Please polish your manuscripts to the best of your ability and, of course, have someone else edit your work before sending to Path to Publication.   Do not format your work: no page numbers, no headers or footers, no paragraph indentations (skip a line for paragraph spacing).  Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word or RTF form.  Font: Times New Roman - size 12. All submissions must be submitted electronically, as e-mail attachments, to: .
Deadline for Issue #3 is April 30, 2012
All rights are retained by the author, and there will be no compensation for accepted work at this time*.

*Because we are staffed by volunteers, we can only compensate our writers in exposure to our audience.  Our columnists enjoy great publicity for their own blogs, books, websites, and projects.  Many find great reward in doing something good for the world of literature and literacy. You may also purchase add space to further promote your work.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Three ways to promote your book for free

by Robert Medak  

1. Create a Web site for the book before you begin writing your book to build interest in both the book and the author.

There are many free sites where you can build the Web site for your book and to draw people in to learn about what you are writing and build their interest.

By having a Web site, you also have to keep the viewers of the Web site up to date on your progress which will force you to complete the book, because they will demand it.

2. Create a Blog for your book and how it is progressing.

Comment back on any posts to build a more personal relationship with the visitors to your Blog. When you interact with possible readers on a personal level they are more likely to read your book, and if they like what they read, they are more inclined to tell their friends and family about it.

3. Create a video trailer on YouTube for your book.

You can create an account on YouTube for free and upload your trailer there.

If you don’t know how, there are site where you can bid the job out on bidding sites like oDesk, Guru, and others for little money. You might even know someone that can create the trailer for you and even upload it for you.

These are only three ways to promote your book for free. Do you have accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, or other social sites? Use them to talk about your book there as well to mention your Blog or Web site.

Robert Medak
Freelance Writer/Editor