Thursday, August 17, 2023

Basic Punctuation

Punctuation is to writing as gas is to a car: you can’t have one without the other. Sure, you can try writing without commas, apostrophes, or periods, though there’s only so much you can do. Before long, missing punctuation leaves readers dazed and confused without enough context, clarity, or structure.

If you think punctuation only matters to English majors, think again. Good writing, including correct grammar and punctuation, helps you communicate effectively no matter your profession. Proper punctuation will take you far, whether you’re writing an email to a client or submitting a college application. That’s why it’s worth learning more about what punctuation means, common and uncommon punctuation, typical mistakes, and related questions. 


What Is Punctuation?

The best way to understand punctuation is to think of punctuation marks (like question marks, apostrophes, and periods) as writing tools. Punctuation refers to the use of these tools to add structure and definition to writing. For example, a sentence isn’t a sentence without a final touch, like a period or exclamation point.

Punctuation can also be used to change the meaning of a sentence without changing the words. For example, replacing one punctuation mark for another completely changes the meaning of the following text:


My Uber is here.

The period in this sentence indicates a statement or a fact.


My Uber is here?

When replacing the period with a question mark, the validity of this statement is called into question. The same words are used to indicate disbelief or potential confusion. This is one way that understanding the basics of correct punctuation can take your writing to new heights.


Common Punctuation

If you’ve ever wondered, “What are the basic rules of punctuation?” you’re not alone. Learning about the most common punctuation marks and their uses is an excellent first step. Here are some you’ve likely already seen, plus how to use them.



Periods are used to finish a sentence or express a neutral tone. While the same dot is used in other forms of punctuation like an ellipsis (…), it’s not a period unless it stands alone.



Commas separate ideas or indicate pauses. For example, they’re found in lists in a sentence or to express a verbal break. Commas are one of the most common types of punctuation, though they’re also prone to misuse.



This punctuation mark is associated with possessive nouns (like Abdullah’s house) or in contractions when two words become one (like won’t). It’s also applied to shorten dates (like ’22 instead of 2022) but not for plural nouns (CDs). Much like commas, apostrophes are a popular form of punctuation, though they are often misunderstood in practice.


Uncommon Punctuation

Semicolons and colons are slightly less common punctuation marks. They’re also somewhat similar to each other and sometimes mistakenly reversed. Here’s how to use both correctly for better writing.



A semicolon is a cross between a comma and a colon, hence its name. It’s also less common than a colon.

Semicolons are used in a number of ways, such as to link two independent clauses. (A clause is part of a sentence that could also be its own sentence, grammatically speaking.) They’re also used to separate items in a list when the items are already separated by commas. 

For example, “I plan to visit New York, New York; Baltimore, Maryland; and New Castle, Pennsylvania.”



The colon is used as an introduction before lists, explanations, or longer quotes. (Shorter quotes are preceded by a comma.)

For example, “You need a few ingredients: eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers, and feta.”

Colons are also used in between independent clauses if the second explains the first. 

For example, “I can’t make it tomorrow: I have a doctor’s appointment.”


Common Punctuation Mistakes

Punctuation marks are used in a number of ways, which can sometimes create confusion. Here are a few of the most common punctuation mistakes and how to avoid them.



Commas are used to separate transitional words or introductory phrases from what follows. Here’s an example of a missing comma.

However she was only five minutes late.

Here’s how to write it correctly:

However, she was only five minutes late.

As you can see, the comma separates the transitional word or introduction from the rest of the sentence.



An apostrophe’s placement in a word indicates whether something is singular or plural. For example, when describing two people, here’s how an apostrophe is used incorrectly:

My parent’s house is a block away.

In this case, placing the apostrophe after parent indicates one person (i.e., one parent).

Here’s what it should’ve been:

My parents’ house is a block away.

In this case, the apostrophe placement indicates a plural noun instead of a singular noun (i.e., parents instead of parent). As you can see, correct apostrophe use requires precise placement within a word.


The Importance of Punctuation

Punctuation is as important to writing as the letters of the alphabet. Unless you’re writing something as elementary as “SOS,” you’ll need punctuation to add context and form to your text.

Have you ever wondered, “How do you memorize punctuation rules?” The good news is you don’t have to. While you may need to look up a few rules or examples initially, you’ll start to remember them through repetition.


 From: Editor World

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Paradise Burns

Our climate crisis aches for action

(Photo by Patrick T. Fallon)

Another dateline of destruction. 

Another lament for lives lost. 

Another calculation of our climate’s crisis.

The images and stories out of Hawaii represent the latest horror in a summer when it has become increasingly clear there is little that can be considered normal about our aching planet — other than that increasing chaos is our new normal. 

Hawaii has been hit by drought that scientists say is exacerbated by a warming planet. The islands’ forests are not accustomed to fire. They evolved amid a period of relative climatic stability. That is fast disappearing.

And that makes them especially vulnerable, just like us. 

We have no choice but to face a threat that is pervasive and elusive. Weather always fluctuates, but higher global temperatures exacerbate these atmospheric conditions. We and our planet get pushed into new extremes. 

The science is clear: Earth is warming, and our species is much to blame. People are suffering and dying as a result. Legions of plants and animals hurtle toward or have already tipped into extinction. And this process is accelerating. 

What is less clear is how bad it will get, how quickly and how resilient we can become. Part of this uncertainty reflects the complexity of natural forces that we struggle to model. But the best available evidence shouts that the kind of world our descendants inherit is up to us. 

Will we mend our ways? Will we innovate? Will we better understand?

Unfortunately, we are unprepared, not only in what we know and our ability to adapt but also in our tragic lack of will. History has shown that humans tend to react more decisively to immediate danger than to long-term challenges. We frequently tend to be selfish, short-sighted, and obstinate. We need to cultivate a spirit of collaboration and coordination among peoples and nations. Such efforts have too often proven illusive. 

Our challenges would be daunting even without those who deny reality. Those who would do nothing, who bury their heads in the sand even as the sea levels rise, should be treated with the same seriousness as those who believe the many conspiracy theories rocketing around the internet. Both are a threat to our health and security. And with climate change, the danger will accelerate across the generations to come. 

In Hawaii, we see charred memories and devastated families where there was previously abundant life. A historic town is burned to the ground; our past goes up in smoke as we catapult into a wavering future. 

We don’t know what lies over the horizon, but perhaps we can take some lessons from the ancient Polynesian voyagers who were the first to inhabit this isolated volcanic archipelago. They understood the rhythms of nature and used them as a guide across thousands of miles of open ocean. They found ways to live in harmony with the limited resources an island had to offer. They understood that change is itself a constant.

If you have ever had the good fortune of visiting Hawaii, you know the resourcefulness of the people and their strong sense of community and family. They are already vowing to rebuild and reimagine. But this is a journey we have no choice but to join in together. There are no islands when it comes to global climate — just one small, precious, precarious planet.

Wisdom urges us to be guided by our better nature, by our intellect, and by a love for our Earth — and each other.


Thursday, July 6, 2023

How to Write a Biography


How to Write a Biography: A 7-Step Guide [+Template]

From time to time, nonfiction authors become so captivated by a particular figure from either the present or the past, that they feel compelled to write an entire book about their life. Whether casting them as heroes or villains, there is an interesting quality in their humanity that compels these authors to revisit their life paths and write their story.

However, portraying someone’s life on paper in a comprehensive and engaging way requires solid preparation. If you’re looking to write a biography yourself, in this post we’ll share a step-by-step blueprint that you can follow. 

How to write a biography: 

🤓 Obsessed about someone's life enough to want to write their biography? Here's how you do it in 7 steps. 


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Biography Outline Template

Craft a satisfying story arc for your biography with our free template.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Writing Forums


 Writing Forums is a non-profit community managed writing environment. We provide an unlimited opportunity for writers and poets of all abilities to share their work and communicate with other writers and creative artists.

We offer an experience that is safe, welcoming and friendly, regardless of participation level, knowledge or skill. There are several opportunities for writers to exchange tips, engage in discussions about techniques, and grow in their craft. Participate in forum competitions that are exciting and helpful in building skill level! There's so much more to explore!

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Top 10 Dos and Don’ts for Publishing



1. Read, read, read. Especially read in the generé in which you plan to write.

2. Make sure you have a comfortable place to write, a reliable computer if you plan to write online, you have Word software, a dictionary and a thesaurus.

3. Try to write as much as you are inspired to write every day.

4. On days when inspiration seems to be absent, do some research about writing. If you are stuck on explaining a particular action by a character, find out how it can be described on any number of writing helps on the internet.

5. Utilize your past experiences and those of others. Then exaggerate, if necessary, to make it even more interesting.

6. Be ready to take notes as inspiration strikes at odd times. Be organized with them.

7. The most challenging part of writing a book is the beginning. Think of a great opener, called “a hook” to grab your readers’ attention. Think about some of the books you’ve read. What grabbed you in the beginning? What made you want to keep reading?

8. Find a writing group who will take you through the complete process. Be sure the group has some experienced, published writers who can help with your writing and provide much helpful information as you progress through finding editors, graphics help and, finally, publisher selection. Be sure to get information and, if possible, examples of query letters. Those are essential for locating a publisher.

9. Writing the query letter is nearly as important as your manuscript. This letter is your introduction of yourself and your story idea to a publisher. In the letter; a) tell the publisher who you are as a writer, b) how you got the idea for your story, c) 2-3 sentences about your story, d) your contact information. The entire letter must not exceed one page. If you have received a positive response from a publisher to your query letter, proceed to the step below.

10. First, visit your selected publisher’s website. They will have a dropdown menu for submission instructions. Be sure to follow it with the utmost attention. Any deviation can result in your manuscript being rejected or ignored!



1. Don’t be afraid – one step then the next.

2. Don’t get caught up in the grammar and syntax and lose the flow of your story and character development. Focus on your story idea, and don’t keep starting over.

3. Don’t try to write like someone else. Be yourself and write the way your mind works.

4 Don’t let writer’s block stump you. Change your scenery and return to it later. Go for a walk with a writer friend, talk about writing in general or the block you are experiencing.

5. Don’t let others interfere with your writing cadence. Establish a routine. If it’s too difficult to work in a quiet setting, use a radio or disc-player for soft music to help you focus.

6. Don’t worry about perfection on the first pass. Get your ideas on paper Develop your
story and your characters then you can go back and revise, edit, and tweak.

7. Don’t expect to get picked up by a legacy publisher. They are dinosaurs and likely won’t even read your manuscript. There is a new paradigm shift – hybrid publishing – publishers who want to work directly with authors; that is to your advantage.

8. Don’t send an incomplete manuscript to a publisher. You will get nowhere, and it indicates a lack of professionalism.

9. Don’t send your “final” manuscript to multiple publishers. Almost all publishers want an exclusive query. Publishers don’t want to spend editors’ time on a manuscript all the way to acceptance to have an author tell them the book has been accepted by another publisher.

10. For the love of everything you hold dear, don’t send your only manuscript copy in the mail! The preferred method is usually a digital emailed copy. Pay particular attention to what you were told by the publisher on how they want submissions.

Monday, March 6, 2023

"Have" vs "Having" in Certain Expressions


Why can I say "I'm having my lunch" but not "I'm having a headache"? Some explanations I've read indicate it's all to do with possession.  But every time I think I have it figured, I have to wonder why I must say "I have a cold" when I can't say "I have a heart attack." I'm sure you'll be having a good explanation for me:-)

Here's the usual rule given to ESL students concerning the use of "have" to show possession or to describe medical conditions:

Have should always be in the simple present tense for the meaning "to own," or to describe medical problems. For example: They have a new car. I have a bad cold. It is incorrect to say "I am having a cold" or "I am having a new car."

"I'm having a heart attack" does seem to contradict this rule.

I think that the difference between "I have a headache" and "I'm having a heart attack" may have more to do with duration than with either a medical condition or possession.

One can "have a heart condition," but a heart attack is a singular event, usually over in a few seconds or minutes. One may say "I hope I won't have a heart attack," but in the event that one has one--and is capable of telling someone--"am having" is the only possibility.

A headache is generally of longer duration than a heart attack. It may last an hour, several hours, or days. The same applies to a cold. Both are events of indeterminate duration. You have them for a while.

If you're seated at a table having your lunch, you're engaged in an activity with a predictable end. You'll stop "having lunch" when you've finished eating.

That's my theory, anyway.


From: Daily Writing Tips

Thursday, February 2, 2023

What are gerunds?


Like the word grammar itself, the grammatical term gerund is often mentioned with a shudder. If you already understand all about gerunds, this post is not for you. If you’d like to review the concept, read on.

A gerund is a verbal. If you’ve read previous posts about present and past participles, you know that a verbal is one of the principal parts of the verb that retains some verb functions at the same time it is being used as a different part of speech.

A gerund is an -ing verb form used as a noun.

Like a verb, a gerund can take objects and be modified by adverbs and adverbial phrases, but its function in a sentence is to serve as a noun–a noun that ends in -ing.

What do nouns do? Nouns are used as the following parts of a sentence:

1. Subject
2. Direct Object
3. Subject Complement
4. Object of a Preposition

Anything a noun can do, a gerund can do–because a gerund is a noun. A gerund is a noun that ends in -ing. Gerunds may be used alone or as part of a phrase.

1. Gerund as the subject of a sentence
Reading is her favorite pastime. (Reading is a gerund used alone as the subject of the sentence.)

Studying English has its rewards. (Studying is a gerund that has a direct object, “English.” The gerund phrase functions as the subject of the verb “has.”)

Picnicking in the woods has its downside. (Picnicking is a gerund modified by a prepositional phrase, “in the woods.” The gerund phrase is the subject of the verb “has.”)

2. Gerund as a direct object
My Aunt Rose loves traveling. (Traveling is a gerund used alone as the direct object of the verb “loves.”)

After a week in the wild, we appreciate sleeping inside. (Sleeping is a gerund modified by the adverb “inside.” The gerund phrase is the direct object of the verb “appreciate.”

Farhad enjoys singing in the shower. (Singing is a gerund modified by a prepositional phrase, “in the shower.” The gerund phrase is the direct object of the verb “enjoys.”

3. Gerund as a subject complement
My cats’ favorite occupation is sleeping. (Sleeping is a gerund that completes the being verb “is.”

Jack’s daily exercise is running laps. (Running is a gerund that has a direct object, “laps.” The gerund phrase completes the being verb “is.”

Hester’s hobby is gardening on her rooftop. (Gardening is a gerund modified by a prepositional phrase, “on her rooftop.” The gerund phrase completes the being verb “is” and restates the subject.

4. Gerund as the object of a preposition
His parents punished him for stealing. (Stealing is a gerund functioning as the object of the preposition “for.”)

The search party rescued the child by climbing a cliff. (Climbing is a gerund that has a direct object, “cliff.” The gerund phrase functions as the object of the preposition “by.”

Falstaff attempts to flee by hiding in a laundry basket. (Hiding is a gerund that has a prepositional phrase, “in a laundry basket.” The gerund phrase “hiding in a laundry basket” is itself the object of a preposition: “by.”)

From: Daily Writing Tips

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Conjunctive Adverbs

Conjunctions are words that link words, phrases, and clauses and provide a smooth transition between ideas.

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Some adverbs can also join or show connections between ideas. When they do this, they are called conjunctive adverbs.

Conjunctive adverbs show comparison, contrast, sequence, cause-effect, or other relationships between ideas.

The most common conjunctive adverbs are:


Conjunctive adverbs function in three ways.

1. They indicate a connection between two independent clauses in one sentence:

The primary meaning of the term á¸¥eḥ was "million" or "millions"; subsequently, a personification of Ḥeḥ was adopted as the Egyptian god of infinity.

In this explanation of why a particular word was personified the way it was, subsequently joins the ideas and conveys sequence at the same time. The word heh means millions; it follows that the personification derived from heh would be a god of infinity.

2. They link ideas in two or more sentences.

Democracy has empowered thousands upon thousands of the “selfish, ignorant, timid, stubborn, or foolish,” who come from a mix of different nationalities. All hope is not lost, however, since there are “hundreds who are wise.”

 3. They show relationships between ideas within an independent clause.

We are determined to do whatever must be done in the interest of this country and, indeed, in the interest of all to protect the dollar as a convertible currency at its current fixed rate.

In this quotation from a speech by John F. Kennedy, indeed connects ideas within the sentence: the idea of doing something on a national level and on an international level as well.

From: Daily Writing Tips